Quantum-Scala Waves-Time-Dimensions

Experience an expanded dimension of time and space with the Time Crystal Device as is establishes a sustained permanent Quantum Scalar Wave protection field.

  • 1918, Max Plank won a Nobel prize for his theory E=hv in Quantum theory.
  • 1922, Neils Bohr’s theory that everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real until observed.
  • 1932, Einstein used a type of “Block Universe” framework, E=MC², into which he could not incorporate his “spooky action at a distance” theory. He knew it was real but could not accept the concept of ENTWINEMENT.
  • 1957, Science accepts E Schrödinger’s research on Quantum Entanglement. Life needs a nutrient we can reliably call Quantum Neg-entropy. This is not found in synthetic things; it is a force that fights against decay and death

Scalar waves are created when two equal and opposite waves neutralise each other out and the remaining scalar way is in another dimension.

Desire Dubounet explains TIME as an ocean of currents

There is a heightened potential to move back in time, retro-causality, and future in time Premonitions to affect changes in the past and see into the future as we are in the present. This enables the removal of old emotions and negative experiences, see into the future, and then make more informed and intelligent decisions.

Furthermore, by practicing clear decision making from the Conscious mind through to the Awareness mind (gut feel) one is able to also make better decisions than opposed to the Observer mind (upper) which is usually full of emotion.

This Time Crystal Device enables one to think clearer and live productively initially and as one works with it over time

The TIME CRYSTAL Healing Device activates the opening of chakra portals

Using the TIME CRYSTAL at various chakra points, it will activate the chakra portal it is closest to. For example, used at the brow it assists you see into the future, at the heart it enhances feelings and at the stomach it enhances gut feelings which are better feelings.


Non-Life Forces (entropy) affect the body negatively. We have an electrical interface device operating on a free energy battery producing a scalar field with a lifetime battery setting up an enhanced life force field as if you are in a bubble. This forms a shield against aberrant negative bio-electric magnetic radiation. It does not block radiation, it stimulates your body to deal with it and turns positive entropy (negative Orgon) into positive energy, thus fortifying your body electric.


This clearing of negative life-force energy is very powerful as it declutters the body electric resulting in increased charge. The reported feelings and scalar wave adjustments are palpable physically, objectively and realised subjectively (mentally) in the ability to obtain greater clarity through premonitions, present, past and future. There is a reported sense of being powerfully present.

Potentiated Clearing

Orgonite and High Life Force Nutrients

The TIME CRYSTAL electrical device is further potentiated with the magic of medicinal mushrooms having their own time and space ability, as does pangamic yeast and mustard seeds. These all assist with raising negative entropy and life force.

Individual and collective transformation

This TIME CRYSTAL will increase our ability to make fewer stupid decisions and more intellectual decisions. Groups or teams who wear these TIME CRYSTAL pendants will begin to experience more non-verbal sharing and caring and begin to operate collectively at a higher life force. It is a new type of matter independent of time and in the scalar field operating at the biological interface. This living energy interacts with your energy, so you become part of the TIME CRYSTAL’s battery.

The oscillating TIME CRYSTAL changes shape and thus produces an “intemporelle” Piezoelectric current.

Time Crystal Healing Device LAUNCH PRICE!

Think Clearly and Live Productively with Raised Life Force

Increasing the number of  TIME CRYSTAL Healing Devices means more Scalar Energy, Life Force, Restoring of Health and Clarity of Though and Protection from Negative Aberrant Forces

Size: 2.8cm diameter x .3cm wide


Increasing the number of TIME CRYSTAL Healing Devices means more Scalar Energy, Life Force, Restoring of Health and Clarity of Though and Protection from Negative Aberrant Forces

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