New Quantum Medicine, SCALAR WAVES, LIFE FORCE ENERGY is where our Food is our Medicine and our Medicine is our Food (Hippocrates)
365 HEALTHY BY CHOICE focuses on High Life Force Nutrients to create a sustained Scalar Wave Protection field warding off negative aberrant forces enabling the body, mind , emotions and spirit to increase in positive energy, immunity and heal past, present and Future
Our NEW Anti-Stress Vibrance Daily Essentials Dream Smoothies contain High Life Force, Electron-dense Nutrients to ensure enhanced daily energy and life force
High vibrational quantum scalar energy waves are required to raise our energy fields and consciousness
Other remarkable benefits of electron-dense nutrients include:
•Nutrient & Mineral rich, Electron
•Boosts Immunity, Stem cell production
•High energy levels
•Stress, Nervous system, Concentration, Regulates Hormones
•Rejuvenation, Repair, Growth & Anti-microbial
•Strength, Stamina & Endurance
•Rejuvenation, Growth, Repair & Longevity
•Sleep and mood elevation
•Source of amino acids, essential fatty acids, minerals & vitamins
•Chelation of heavy metals and toxins
•Anti-oxidant & Anti-inflammatory