Foldable Foot Spa with Massage Rollers

Original price was: $45.17.Current price is: $25.44.

  • ZAR: R 450.00
  • EUR: €22.37
  • GBP: £19.18
  • AUD: $36.82

Perfect therapeutic FOLDABLE FOOT BATH with foot massager for use with Cell Vitality OxyMineral drops plus DMSO drops, Zeolite or Borax-Epsom salts detoxification.

Dosage: Fill the foot bath tub with warm to hot water

Cell Vitality OxyMinerals, 20:20 drops, activate for 20 seconds, add to warm water in the foot bath, add in 20 DMSO and soak for 15 minutes

Zeolite/volcanic rock dust 1/2 cup into warm water in the foot bath and soak for 15 minutes

Borax-Epson salt detox 1/3 cup into warm water in the foot bath and soak for 15 minutes

Dry the feet with a clean towel and only add organic cord pressed oil after 30 mins if required

If there is a wound dry and cover with gauze immediately so as not to let insects sit on the open wound and lay eggs. Cover with a plaster. Spray with the 365 HEALTHY BY CHOICE  Wound Spray several times a day using a fresh piece of gauze and plaster each time. if the wound is oozing then mix honey with turmeric and place into the wound thereafter applying the gauze and the plaster.

Other uses:

The foot bath tub is great for the using eucalyptus oil, essential oils, foot scrubs, exfoliation, pedicures and more


Foot bath holds the right amount of water to easily soak feet, and has high sides so that you do not splash water everywhere and make a big mess
Sides of the foot bath are designed to easily pick up and empty after you are done; Easily dump water into bath tub, sink or toilet after you are finished
Once you are done the container folds into a compact size to stow away for future use
Detox Cell Vitality OxyMinerals, DMSO, Zeolite and Borax-Epsom salts. Essential Oils, Exfoliation and Pedicures


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