
365 HBC Health & Wellness Centres

Managed by Practitioners/Health Advisors

Join the 365 HBC Global Professional Team today

By joining the 365 HBC Professional Team you enter the 365 HBC Health & Wellness Professional Body.

We are a core group of 365 HBC Practitioners and Health Advisors who meet regularly to discuss diseases, product solutions and device options, methodologies and case studies who operate from single practitioner Business-in-a-Box to multi-practitioner franchised global business centres.

Options to join

  1. 365 HBC Business-in-a-Box Start Up Health and Wellness Centres
  2. 365 HBC In-house Health and Wellness Assessment Centres
  3. 365 HBC Franchise Health and Wellness Centres
  4. 365 HBC Quantum Professional Network (Telehealth – to be finalised)
  5. 365 HBC Container-in-a-Box Health and Wellness Upliftment Centres

We take our own and our client’s Health to Heart

Requirements to join

Professional qualifications:

Professional Practitioner/Health Advisors need to manage the health aspects of each centre and operate the devices and run the centres. Practitioners have a degree or diploma and Health Advisors/Technicians have a minimum of a D4 Nursing or similar technical medical qualification. All device users need to have completed an Anatomy and Physiology course or be currently completing a course.

Business opportunity for non-medical person:

A non-professional person or business may purchase a device and employ a trained practitioner/health advisor to operate the device and run a small 365 HBC Health & Wellness Centre or franchise.

Decide on your Health and Wellness Centre entry level:

  • Single device owner Professional: R19 995 (payable over 2 months) plus monthly product purchases of 5 boxes of 4 products or 20 products (or subscription). Once the software is linked to the Q450, a 10% of assessments is payable to the company
  • Franchise details on application for all 3 options as stated
  • Large Franchise 200 000 pounds initial payment plus 10% of sales payable to the company

Franchise details on application. See failure to purchase boxes will require a monthly subscription of R5000 to be payable to the company for a period of 1 year.

Own a Q450 device:

The Q450 device plus manual, online course, course manual and box of products costs R19 995 excl VAT. This also includes the first-year annual membership certificate worth R1000. This Practitioner/Health Advisor device package is not available in the INTERCONNECT Affiliate referral system

Practitioner / Health Advisor career plan and annual membership fee:

Pay an annual 365 HBC Practitioner certificate fee of R1000. 365 HBC will assist you with a career plan in health and sustainability. Once fully trained you will be promoted to trainer and will train upcoming new Practitioners and Health Advisor. Once graduated to this level you may be selected as a country representative as a career path.

Non-Disclosure and Non-Compete document:

All members will need to sign the above document to safeguard the company and the Owner’s Intellectual Property. This type of also protection also safeguards your work and the ongoing success of the company

Monthly Product Purchase:

Professionals need to agree to purchase 5 boxes of 4 products per month at the volume discounted rate agreed (not more than 20% discount) with the company for a min period of 12 months thereafter they can either

  • Stay on the same level and continue to purchase the 5 boxes of 4 products depending on number of assessments being performed or
  • Open a small, medium or large franchise with more equipment

They will join the global Professional network, be listed as such and join the weekly, monthly, annual events both free and at very reduced rates for events

If the Professional does not order 5 boxes of 4 products monthly, then they need to pay the monthly subscription for the remainder of the 1-year contract.

Our focus is on assisting high achieving individuals and organisations achieve more wealth, higher returns, knowledge and happiness by putting


What you will get

Global 365 HBC Professional website listing for referrals in your area:

Each client assessment is loaded onto the Global health assessment link where clients and practitioners can access the assessment from anywhere in the world and see the results and the products given.

Ongoing training and development for you and your clients:

The clients may join our daily, weekly Professional, Affiliate and Self-Care live chats and professionals join the weekly product, disease and device on-line training – they will get further tutoring in the weekly / monthly lectures

Benefits from the 365 HBC INTERCONNECT Affiliation:

You benefit from joining as an affiliate and receive:

  1. A 5% discount on products, services and training courses sales and
  2. Referral fees for introducing larger business to 365 HBC such as Business in a Box practitioners, retail stores, hospitals, etc.

See the Affiliation information on the website.

365 HBC Health and Wellness Centre Business Rankings:

Rankings awarded for growth in sales volume, clients and number of assessments

Business training courses:

Courses and training available to ensure profitability and ongoing success

Options to run 365 Health and Wellness Programmes:

Professionals will purchase packages to offer their clients in the following areas:

  • Weight loss programme
  • Skin purification
  • Blood pressure balance
  • Blood sugar balance
  • Hormone balance
  • Brain fog, concentration and Focus
  • Degeneration
  • Detoxification and Cleansing

The Professional Affiliates get:

  • professional natural health training
  • business training
  • natural product training
  • career plan
  • earn from own practice, referral of both affiliates, professionals and centre/retail referrals
  • Payment can be bank fiat currency or blockchain cryptocurrency

An Opportunity to Naturally Get Well, Learn and Earn

Think Cleary and Live Productively in all areas of your Life

Business-in-a-Box Options

Executive. Practitioner & Home Use

• Q450 Device, Courses, Manuals PLUS Products
• Quantum QUEX S & QUEX ED Devices
• Product selections: Immunity, Nourishment, Detox, Minerals & Oils
• 365 HBC Courses
• 365 HBC NPQ-Diplomas/Degrees
• IMUNE Quantum Diploma

Business-in-a-Box Nutraceuticals