There are no problems. We decide whether something is or isn’t a problem. There are no good or bad events. We decide whether we interpret something as good or bad.

There is no right or wrong, there is just being. Things just are. You’re the one who labels them. If an event matches what you want, it’s right. If it doesn’t match what you want, it’s wrong.

If you are carrying inside of you, ‘scars’, due to past experiences that have happened to you, the scars are not there because of the experience. An experience that already happened that isn’t happening anymore, cannot scar you. It’s not even there. How can something that’s not happening be bothering you?

You do not need to be bothered by that which is not happening. It’s enough to deal with what is happening now. Every moment that you let past events occupy your consciousness, you are missing the reality of what is unfolding in front of you.

You are missing your life by allowing your consciousness to participate in the neurosis of your past.

Be here now.

– Michael Singer

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