Diploma Courses
Healthy By Choice Quantum Health Advisor – Diploma
International NPQ Diploma and/or top-up Diploma on-line with live training
Entry requirements: Acceptance with an NPQ Level 3/4/5 (diploma and/or top acceptance by the London University or other), proof of A levels of currently studying for an existing Diploma course and proof of an Anatomy and Physiology course if non-medical.
Courses may be completed individually through 365 HBC Quantum Health, with NPQ accreditation but not for the Diploma option
Degree Courses
International NPQ Degree and/or top-up Degree on-line with live training
Entry requirement: Acceptance with an NPQ Level 6 (degree and top acceptance by London University or other), proof of an existing University Degree and proof of an Anatomy and Physiology course if non-medical
5 Modules each and questions. Live training with Jane Mackenzie. Higher learning 140 hours. On-line with live training by Jane Mackenzie