If you have ongoing disease and misery, maybe it’s a GUT DISORDER. It could be Leaky Gut, Osteoporosis, Chron’s disease, Celiac disease, IBS, gastric reflux, hernia, ulcers, haemorrhoids, diarrhoea or constipation

Check out this list of the ten most common causes of gut problems and the diseases experienced.

Gut Health affects nearly all people at one time or another due to lifestyle, overprocessed food, insufficient oxygen or lack of beneficial microbes. People have explored this along the ages as evidenced by Hippocrates, the Father of Western Medicine, said “All Disease Begins in the Gut” and chronic disease cases are on the increase.

Experiencing pain, bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhoea or other digestive issues? See our  FREE GUIDE on 7 Steps to Digestion, Absorption & Elimination. 

We Remove the Guesswork for you and assist you increase your awareness of the Root Causes of these underlying GUT problems and make you feel human again. Join our 365 HEALTHY BY CHOICE 30-day Natural Gut Detox Cleanse and Restore programme

How to Restore the Gut by understanding the 10 Most Common Gut Problems and see the Gut Detox Cleanse and Restore Box and Combo options on Special Promotion NOW and Save

Option 1: Gut Cleanse and Restore Box (Gut Cleanse, Microbiome Reset, Parastop, Enzymes)

 R 2,100.00  ($133)

Option 2: Combo Microbiome Reset/Cell oxygen see special promotions now on

 R 520.00 ($33)

Understanding Root Causes of Gut Distress

Methods to reduce stress are required, see the guide in the Gut Cleanse and Restore Box for the 365 HEALTHY BY CHOICE 30-day Natural Gut Detox Cleanse and Restore

10 most  Common Gut Problems associated with Poor Digestion and Absorption

1) Stress is leading cause of most disease, especially the gut, the engine room of the body, and results in the digestion process described below not function properly. 

2) Low acidity in the stomach so the protein and cellulose dense foods cannot be broken down and the proteins, starches, minerals and vitamins cannot be released for absorption.

3) Insufficient release of hormones, digestive enzymes and bile into the small intestine which are required to complete the digestion. If this process is halted in any way large food particles result which are not absorbed.

4) Over processed food with Food Additives, Modified Foods or Toxins from Farming

5) Lack of sufficient colonies of Beneficial Microorganisms

6) Parasites and Pathogens living in the gut causing further toxification and Leaky Gut as the bore through the intestinal wall

7) Lack of oxygen, exercise, sunshine, posture, hydration

8) Eating when unhappy and stressed

9) Drinking liquids when eating dilutes the acidity and enzymes for digestion

10) Emotional state when eating, e.g., sad and unhappy

Some Common diseases

Leaky Gut, Diarrhoea, Constipation, Osteoporosis, Autoimmunity, Chron’s disease, Celiac disease, IBS, gastric reflux, hernia, ulcers, haemorrhoids, tumours and spasms. How to remove these diseases and restore Gut Health see the guidelines in the Gut Cleanse and Restore Box How to Heal Your Gut Naturally and join our 365 HEALTHY BY CHOICE 30-day Natural Gut Detox Cleanse and Restore


  • Undernourishment due to malabsorption
  • Pain, Inflammation, Discomfort, Cramping
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Fermentation, gas parasites or worms
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Sore tongue
  • Heartburn
  • Loss of memory, Brain fog, Poor Concentration


  • Choose fresh whole natural foods
  • Chew properly, eat slowly
  • Be consciously present when you eat
  • Eat naturally occurring probiotics, sauerkraut, Kimchi, miso, Kefir
  • Eat pre-biotics, celery, artichokes, banana, healthy grain, kefir
  • Do not drink liquids when you eat
  • Reduce stress with walking, yoga, breathing
  • Release unwanted emotions


Option 1: Gut Cleanse and Restore Box (Gut Cleanse, Microbiome Reset, Parastop, Enzymes)

 R 2,100.00  ($133)

Option 2: Combo Microbiome Reset/Cell oxygen see special promotions now on

 R 520.00 ($33)

Compliment your Gut detox with these great products

To book a 10 min free consultation with Jane Mackenzie please message her on WhatsApp +27 (0)83 459 6208