Congratulations to Dr Jane Mackenzie as 365 healthy By Choices wins: Holistic Natural Health Pharmacist of the year 2023/2024
This is a great way to support your body whilst you sleep
Some other suggestions from Jane Mackenzie: 🔥Get rid of the 25 year old mattress 🔥Make the room pitch black 🔥Get an EARTHING MAT to sleep on (See options on 365 HBC website) 🔥Sleep before 10 [...]
Bloom Brunch Dec 19 with Miss SA Finalist 2020
Jane spoke about: Beauty and Vitality Ancient to Modern Truths
Get that Healthy Glow from within
Guest Speaker at the Wedding Expo, Emperors Palace, Johannesburg - Get that Healthy Glow from within 365 with www.365HealthyByChoice. com FOOD STATE NUTRIENTS AND SCANS #SkinHairNails #OrmusGold #EDUCTOR #SCIO #365 #StressDefenceShield
Together Branding & Networking 365 Healthy By Choice
When they told me to dream big, I never realized how big #MegaProfits #JTFOXX has exceeded my expectations. THANK YOU #JTFOXX. Together BRANDING & NETWORKING 365 Healthy By Choice with Top Business Owners, Investors and [...]
WOW WOW WOW Look st this improvement in 1 month. DIABETIC FOOT REPAIRING. I find this so inspirational. I told you I will be bringing Simple and Natural Health to the World 365 - Heart [...]
Prevention is better than waiting
You have a CHOICE 365 . Prevention is better than waiting for it’s too late. Recent events marking the Global Growth of www.365HealthyByChoice. com 2019
What does your blood look like?
YES YOU HAVE A CHOICE RIGHT NOW. What does your blood look like? Sticky or free flowing ? If the blood is thick you will be short of oxygen to the major organs, find out [...]
Radioactive Toxicity Prevention and Treatment
Abstract Ionizing radiations produce deleterious effects in the living organisms and the rapid technological advancement has increased human exposure to ionizing radiations enormously. There is a need to protect humans against such effects of ionizing [...]
Knowledge without action is useless
Knowledge without action is useless ..... Then have mental clarity is critical. Hugh Hilton Maintain your mental clarity with QUANTUM Eductor and SCIO Scan and Biofeedback #JTFOXX #StrengthByLoyalty #365HealthyByChoice
Together with the Johannesburg delegates from MEGA BRANDING and BUSINESS
Together with the Johannesburg, #JTFOXX, delegates from MEGA BRANDING and BUSINESS -Saturday evening #FamilyFirst
Together with Angie Abalisious Clausen at Mega Business
Together with Angie Abalisious Clausen at Mega Business Johannesburg, SA. With #JTFOXX its loads of fun and Business
Never Compromise Your Integrity Utilise Creativity and Curiosity
New Strategies revealed by Hugh Hilton - Never Compromise Your Integrity Utilise Creativity and Curiosity My Integrity is embraced in the 365 HEALTHY BY CHOICE Brand - evidenced by AUTHENTICITY - Pure, Natural and Unique [...]
Make sure your customers know you care about their success
Together with #BrentTurley at Johannesburg Mega Business and Branding, “make sure your customers know you care about their success”, #JTFOXX, your Organisation is World Class and so are the Coaches. Thank you for my #365HealthyByChoice [...]
Together with Reggie Batts on Personal Branding
Together with Reggie Batts at the #JTFOXX Johannesburg Business and Branding - PERSONAL BRANDING - Change your Mindset and Uncover your Limiting Beliefs - be AUTHENTIC #FamilyFirst #365 You are your Brand - it’s what [...]
Speaking at Mega Success Dr Phil confirmed Prevention is better than waiting for it’s too late THINKING CLEARLY and LIVING PRODUCTIVELY in all areas of your life can be achieved when you focus on making [...]
The DNA of your personal brand revolves around AUTHENTICITY
Building Your Own Individual Brand at Da Vinci University’s Curiosite meeting of fellow top business minds and PhD students in Sandton “The DNA of your personal brand revolves around AUTHENTICITY”, Martin Kuscus, well known.business leader [...]
How to maximize your effectiveness in business
Together with Nina Peutherer at the London International Millionaire’s Network meeting was a blast with top international coach Marco speaking on “How to maximize your effectiveness in business” and top business presenters on “Effectively Delivering [...]
Reaching for the STARS in London
Reaching for the STARS in London TOGETHER WITH JT, Hugh Hilton and George Ross - Globalization endorsement of my work and 365 Healthy By Choice “We are Energy Beings” and “The Medical System is off-base [...]
Reaching for the Stars
365 HEALTHY BY CHOICE Launch. Reaching for the stars. Elevate your Health to Focus, Think Clearly, live Productively in all areas of your life, Longer - FREE Health Awareness Scan, Determine Root Causes, Validate Risk [...]
Business is a Choice
Work ethic eliminates fear. THE POWER OF BRANDING. Thank you JT for the branding 365 HEALTHY BY CHOICE. Health is your choice 365. Prevention is better than waiting before it’s too late #365HealthyByChoice #JTFOXX [...]
How Billionaire’s make Healthy Choices 365 days
Jane Mackenzie, Owner and Founder of the 365 HEALTHY BY CHOICE Company, together with JT FOXX and his top coaches Hugh Hilton and George (previously advisor to Trump for 16 years) discussing how Billionaire’s make [...]
Do the different stages of a butterfly all have the same DNA?
We put this question to Max Gray... Max - Yes, yes they do. Any single individual of any species is going to have the same DNA throughout its entire lifespan. What changes in butterflies is, [...]
8 Early warning signs your KIDNEYS are malfunctioning and need Kidney Cleanse & Restore from Heavenly Harmony
By Vivian Goldschmidt, MA As important as your kidneys are to your health (including your bone health), symptoms of their malfunction can be quite subtle. Yet early detection is crucial for preventing permanent kidney damage, so [...]
TO REMOVE TOXINS FROM BLOOD VESSELS AND BODY! USE IT TWICE A YEAR! You frequently suffer from colds, infections, fatigue, sleepiness or poor concentration? All these evils indicate the presence of toxins, harmful bacteria and [...]
Longevity & Rejuvenation – STEM CELL producing plants
Blue-Green Algae, Lion's Mane & Cordyceps medicinal mushrooms and He Shou Wu root from www.heavenlyharmony.co.za The human body depends on circulating adult stem cells produced in the bone marrow to repair damage and stay healthy. Stem [...]
Bone Marrow – What Does Bone Marrow Do?
Written by Hannah Nichols Reviewed by Dr Helen Webberley Last updated: Fri 22 January 2016 Bone marrow is the spongy tissue inside some of the bones in the body, including the hip and thigh bones. [...]
Iodine Protects Against Fluoride Toxicity
The toxicity of modern life is impacting iodine levels and in countries that add fluoride to their water this impact is maximized. Why is this a concern? There is growing evidence that Americans would have [...]
Foods High in Iodine
Iodine is a chemical element essential for the production of thyroid hormones that regulate growth and metabolism. Diets deficient in iodine increase the risk of retarded brain development in children (cretinism), mental slowness, high cholesterol, [...]
Fibrocysts And The Iodine Connection
By Rosanne Lindsay Today, thyroid disease is epidemic. Eighty-percent of thyroid disease is experienced by women with at least fifty percent of cases going undiagnosed. Eight-four percent of women with thyroid disease have fibrocystic breasts. Is there [...]
Rejuvenation Programme Rejuvenate Your DNA and Boost Your Immunity in 3 months!
Jane Mackenzie Rejuvenating Practitioner (MBA, B. Pharm, Epigenetics, Nutrigenomics, Homotoxicology, SCIO, Live Blood Analysis, Acupuncture, Craniosacral, Journey) The ever increasing array of toxins affecting us along with depleted, chemically treated soil and plants results in [...]
After Watching How Gummy Candies Are Really Made, You’ll Never Eat Them Again (Disturbing & Graphic)
Alexa Erickson, Collective-Evolution Waking Times Media Oh the beauty of childhood. A time of endless exploration, ignorant bliss, and a never-ending desire to inhale the entire candy store. As adults, we all know the dangers [...]
Jane in Russia
The generator restores the biological holograms of all systems and organs…. most advanced technology in the world for infinite rejuvenation. ONLY WAVE GENOME OFFERS TOTAL REJUVENATION, so that client loses all symptoms of “incurable” diseases, [...]
Scientists Discover What Meditation Does To Your Gut & Your Brain
Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution Waking Times Media Numerous studies have indicated the many physiological benefits of meditation, and the latest one comes from Harvard University. An eight week study conducted by Harvard researchers at Massachusetts [...]
Medicinal mushrooms as a source of antitumor and immunomodulating polysaccharides
Wasser SP1. Author information Abstract The number of mushrooms on Earth is estimated at 140,000, yet maybe only 10% (approximately 14,000 named species) are known. Mushrooms comprise a vast and yet largely untapped source of [...]
Telomere Length Predicts the Life Expectancy of Patients with Heart Disease
In a new study, scientists were able to predict survival rates among patients with heart disease based on the length of strands of DNA found on the ends of chromosomes known as telomeres. San Francisco, [...]
The 9 Best Fermented Foods for Your Gut
by Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM Published on July 2, 2015, Last Updated on July 13, 2015 Fermented food has made a comeback in recent years, partially thanks to the popularization of [...]
3 Powerful Ways to Cleanse and Recharge Your Energetic Body
Ryan Mandell, Guest Waking Times After the holidays, I, like most people, found myself feeling incredibly drained. Whether it was the socializing, the food or the travel, it had all resigned me to the couch [...]
Bee Pollen, Honey, Propolis and Royal Jelly
TINA WELLMAN, PHD, PNE Trodding down the pathway to my friend's organic farm one sunny afternoon, I noticed a mysterious mass weighing down the limb of a budding apple tree. Just as my curiosity summoned [...]
For Most Foods, The Faster It Spoils, The Healthier It Is – The Toxic Preservation of Food Is Killing Us
Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times The food industry has created an era of convenience for consumers through packaged, preserved, emulsified, pasteurized, sterilized, irradiated andchemically altered foods. It’s not an exact science, but generally speaking [...]
Top Anti-Inflammatory Foods, Herbs, and Spices
Visit the Mercola Video Library By Dr. Mercola Herbs and cooking spices contain a wide variety of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, and help maximize the nutrient density of your meals. Every time you flavor your [...]
Watch my latest Webinar
The Discovery of Schumann Resonance
(James Russell's excellent documentary) March 29, 2013 |By Ingrid P. Dickenson, Earth Breathing When we consider that the ionosphere surrounding our planet is electrically positive charged whilst the earth’s surface carries a negative charge, [...]
How Sound, Light and Electromagnetics Can Heal the Body
Written by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. | Last updated on July 07, 2015 | The body is comprised of electro-magnetic transmission and communication. It emits electro-magnetic waves and responds to electro-magnetic waves. All biological functions correspond [...]
How The Microbiome Destroyed the Ego, Vaccine Policy, and Patriarchy
Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times The relatively recent discovery of the microbiome is not only completely redefining what it means to be human, to have a body, to live on this earth, but is [...]
What really causes cancer
Introduction Most people think that DNA damage is what causes a cell to be cancerous. While it is true that cancer cells may have DNA damage, it is highly unlikely that DNA damage can [...]
What Does GMO Mean?
GMO Foods How to Tell if Your Food is GMO – Commercially grown genetically modified foods were first introduced on the market to consumers in the 1990’s after the FDA, in 1992, declared them as [...]
Walk Barefoot In Order To Heal Vital Organs
Health Knowledge We are talking about acupressure. There are spots on our feet and palms that are associated with all the vital organs in the body. By stimulating these points we are actually [...]
Why cigarette butts threaten to stub out marine life
A torn up love letter, a wedding dress and a loaded handgun. These are just some of the items discovered during the Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup initiative (ICC). But these intriguing finds aside, year [...]