
Stress Relief, Anti-aging, Weight Loss & Immunity Boost

Bookings for 4 or more people

Live Dark Field Blood Analysis
Quantum Health Evaluation and Treatment Plan(11 000) Identification of Root Causes, Validation if Risk Factors and Body Realignment
Nutrition, Detox, Immunity and Lifestyle programmes
Edu-Talks on stress, anti-aging, weight loss, immunity. causes of disease and sustainability
Select one of the following: 1 x Infra-Red Pvt/Shared 14-micron SAUNA 30 mins or 1 x Infra-red 14 micron + OZONE tub 30 mins
1 x Chocolate Stress Defence Shield Smoothie > 30 nutraceuticals
Forest walks amongst 600 indigenous trees in a mini botanical garden
Bird spotting
Relax on the spiral wooden Deck
Relax near the water-featured Pond
Relax near the water-featured PoolRelax in the Tranquillity Octagon-domed lounge
Relax in the Detox Centre’s garden
View the Biodynamic Organic Food Gardens, compost heaps, worm farms and beehives
Experience Sustainable Living: solar panels, water tanks and inside-outside living spaces